Lust for Life
Today’s blog is a collection of musings and tips that I would like to share with you, my dear reader. They are little fruits and berries of letting myself be inspired and seduced by moments of clarity. Maybe you can find one or the other of these useful for you.
18 minutes on Life Design – well worth every second of it!
Designing Your Life author Dave Evans was invited to take the TEDx San Francisco stage at a recent longevity event. You don’t want to miss his “Designing the Rest of Your Life” talk.
A blog about intuition!
Music inspires me
The title of my blog was inspired by Lana Del Rey’s recent “Lust for Life”
‚Cause we’re the masters of our own fate
We’re the captains of our own souls
Are you the master of your own fate? Are you the captain of your soul? Do you know what your soul is all about?
Follow the white rabbit!
One of my favorite movies is Matrix. I’ve seen it countless times; at least ten in the cinema when it first came out and I re-watch it whenever the fancy strikes. Yes, I am extraordinarily fascinated by the ideas and execution of this film. I love martial arts and like the innovative digital effects. I love Morpheus, who believes in something so wholeheartedly that he can change people through his devotion. His unwavering faith in Neo, the hero is transformed from an invisible very good hacker into the One, the messiah.
Does faith then really move mountains? Who believes in you?
The pursuit of happiness
The most inspirational video for women ever…
A book recommendation
I would like to recommend From Good to Great: Aufgeben, nachgeben oder alles geben by Richard Pallman. It’s a beautiful book full of a-ha moments.
„We are today where our thoughts have brought us. We will be
there tomorrow, where our present thoughts and patterns of
thought will bring us. “ – Mark Colman
„And I do my thing no matter what the others say. I go my way,
whether straight or slant, that does not matter. I do my thing, no
matter what the others, what the weaknesses advise you, that
does not matter. I do my thing. “ – Udo Lindenberg
Let’s get inspired and be creative today!
Thanks for reading! And should you get inspired or moved to drop me a line – with any sort of feedback, thoughts, etc. – I’d be happy to receive it.
Yvonne Kania, Mobil: +49 171 53 52 296,
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