Life Design: „Walk’n’Meet“ to stimulate analytical process and brainstorm
My blog will reflect my thoughts and experience with Life Design that I would like to share with you. I write about anything that stokes my pas-sion. It presents and describes the tool: “Walk’n’Meet”, which is devel-oped and created by the following certified Life Designers: Christian Roth, Elke Mehl, Carina Goffart and Yvonne Kania. „Walk’n’Meet“ is a tool to stimulate analytical process and brainstorm.
Background: Already in antiquity, Aristotle developed a teaching and thinking tech-nique which made use of nature: he had a habit of wandering through the grand halls of Athens with his students and discussants in order to pass along his philosophical ideas. This was his way to discovering and maintaining his inner balance, which is a direct enabler of undulated cre-ative thinking.
Task: Imagine, as Aristotle did so many centuries ago, you are free to philoso-phize as you literally walk (and work out) your questions.
- Formulate your question, which you want to figure out during your Walk’n’Meet.
- Find a partner. While walking, consider your views and approaches from everyone’s point of view. At the end of the walk, spend about 10min writing down your thoughts on PostIt notes.
- Repeat with another partner.
- Collect all ideas on a wall.
- The ideas should be grouped or clustered based on their similari-ties. Complete the exercise by defining from one to three ideas incl. Solutions.
Result: Visualized overview of a team’s thinking process and ideas on a given subject.
Time: 30 min. / in the group
Maybe you can find the tool useful for you and your team.
Thanks for reading! And should you get inspired or moved to drop me a line – with any sort of feedback, thoughts, etc. – I’d be happy to receive it.
Let’s get inspired and be creative today!