Finish what you start

Today’s blog is an announcement that I would like to share with you, my dear reader.

Today, I am celebrating the release of my eBook Enjoyable networking – professionally and privately (available in German) and also my audio book (Selbst)verständlich führen – durch sich selbst andere führen (available in German).

Flow comes from doing

Finish what you start! This sentence is my life’s M.O. and my mantra. Unfinished projects just don’t feel good. And it doesn’t matter why you haven’t finished them – they are pests that pollute your mind. To prevent this in my life, every year, I set goals for the year ahead. The abovementioned pubs were on my to-do for this year and now they are done. The Life Design tools and fellow members have helped and supported me in development of concrete ideas and in their implementation. Doing brings fulfillment! It is always like this, things I like to do fulfill me and give me great joy.

How did I get there?

My audio book (Selbst)verständlich führen – durch sich selbst andere führen has two motivations behind it. The first one is that I like to work with people who I value and feel connected to (I explain in detail in my eBook Enjoyable networking – professionally and privately) and the second is informed by my approach to life. For me, it’s a basic need to understand myself and my relationships with and influence and effect on other people. I am convinced, all human beings have this desire for self-awareness. This is the lifelong task of every human being: to discover One’s meaning. It is one of the absolutes: we are all important as we are.

It’s all about the mind(set)

How did I get here? In general, I use simple light communication tools like Statty notes, MENTION ANOTHER EXAMPLE, etc. for visual planning and presentation, for handwritten communication and so on (for more, please see Yvonne’s Stairway to Heaven)

Here is my annual ritual:

  1. Every year, I reserve some Solo Me time in December
  2. I buy a nice blank notebook as well as whole bunch of newspapers. I come prepared with other materials like PostIts, pens, Easyflip, Statty Notes
  3. I listen to the music and watch movies when I feel like it
  4. I go for walks and think of the past year and its highlights
  5. I meditate
  6. I listen to affirmations

I follow the life design process and then I just start. I read, I write, I change, throw away, listen to music, write again. I follow my impulses and enjoy myself. Creating goals requires a deeper understanding of who you are, what your talents are, your wishes, your interests and your value system as well as your dreams and desires.

Will you make space this year to design your goals for the next year?

Let’s get inspired and be creative today!

Thanks for reading! And should you get inspired or moved to drop me a line – with any sort of feedback, thoughts, etc. – I’d be happy to receive it.
Yvonne Kania, Mobil: +49 171 53 52 296,